Impression, Sunrise

Impression, Sunrise (French: Impression, soleil levant) is a painting by Claude Monet first shown at what would become known as the “Exhibition of the Impressionists” in Paris in April, 1874.
The painting is credited with inspiring the name of the Impressionist movement.


About ArtImpress

We are proposing a project for a web portal to disseminate art, in particular the Impressionist movement. The portal is the brainchild of an artist who is passionate about the Impressionist movement and owns a personal gallery where she exhibits her works. The basic idea is:

  • to create a meeting point for “insiders” (artists) and “non-insiders” (enthusiasts, the curious, novice university students, etc.);
  • to propose a path for the knowledge of the current, the painting techniques and the protagonists;
  • a calendar of artistic events always updated.

Upcoming Events

data 9 am-7 pm
Raffaello 1520-1483
Scuderie dei Quirinale, Via Ventiquattro Maggio, 16, Roma Exhibitions
data 9 am-7 pm
Impressionismi segreti
Palazzo Bonaparta, Piazza Venezia, 5, Roma Exhibitions
data 8 am-7 pm
Canova, eterna bellezza
Palazzo Braschi, Piazza di San Pantaleo, 10, Roma Exhibitions

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